Doula Artist

Nanna Lysholt Hansen is an artist, writer, researcher and birth doula based in Copenhagen, Denmark.

In her work she investigates  relationships between the body, language, voice, gender and technology. By using her own personal experiences of the female body, sexuality, pregnancy, birth and motherhood she draws attention to the body as a technological and biological intergenerational mediator of knowledge, voice and memory.

Her artwork can be experienced as live performance or as the body manifests itself through hybrid technological forms, video, sculpture, sound and photography. Aspects of history, memory, gender, language and narratives are challenged in relation to the gaze on the body over time.

Nanna Lysholt Hansen holds a MFA degree from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art in Copenhagen, Denmark (2011) and a BFA degree from Kingston University, Faculty of Art Design & Music, London, UK (2005). In 2009/2010 she studied at The Central Academy of Fine Art in Beijing, P.R. China, and in 2019/2020 she studied at Fødselsterapeuten Aps Copenhagen, to become a certified birth therapist.

Nanna Lysholt Hansen’s artistic practice includes curating, collaboration and teaching. She is the founder of NLHspace an exhibition platform in Copenhagen (2006-2016) and Nammu Birth doula support & birth photography in Copenhagen (2020-current). She is Chairperson at the Association for Danish Birth Photographers. Nanna Lysholt Hansen has exhibited her work internationally since 2000

In 2023 I received Sven Hols’ Honour Award at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art.

My Audio Essay “Cyborg Mother Voices and Expanded Notions of Care”, is published in Seismograf Focus: SOUNDING WOMEN’S WORK: GENDER, TECHNOLOGY AND INFRASTRUCTURE IN NORDIC SOUND ART AND EXPERIMENTAL MUSIC, Seismograf, January 2022
Syv kunstværker på Roskilde Festival, som ikke har noget med musikken at gøre (
Kunsten inviterer os til at turde lidt mere ( Af Miriam Katz, Billedkunstneren #4 2022
“On Nanna Lysholt Hansen’s Dear Daughter” in Maternal Performance. Feminist Relations´´. Co-authored by Lena Simic and Emily Underwood-Lee, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-80225-7
In-Print-Performance “Matrixial Tongues: Dear Daughter/Sen_sing_Inannainanna” & essay
“Notes on the practice of performing text as artistic research”, Periskop Nr. 24 (2020): Unruly: Artistic Research between Disciplines and Becoming, Edited by Kathrine Dirckinck-Holmfred, Camilla Graff Junior, Lise Margrethe Jørgensen & Charlotte Hauch.
“Dear Daughter/Anatomy of the Chthulucene (O’ Connell Oh Oh Haraway)” is included in this beautiful new book about Danish Art in the New Millennium. Berørt – Om dansk kunst i det nye årtusinde, Maria Kjær Themsen, Strandberg Publishing, 2020
Press release Nanna Lysholt Hansen – Mother Mould, Astrid Noack’s Atelier, Copenhagen, September 2020

‘Performance and the Maternal’ , interview with Nanna Lysholt Hansen, 10 June 2020, by Dr Lena Šimić,

‘Stemmernes politik i samtidskunsten’ by Stina Hasse Jørgensen in Terræn. Veje ind i samtidskunsten,  edited by Camma Juel Jepsen, Rasmus Kjærboe, Sine Krogh og Martin Søberg, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2019, ISBN: 9788771248791

Omsorg og Skødesløshed Exhibition text by Pernille Zidore Nygaard in connection with Nanna Lyshold Hansen – Dura Mater, November 2018, IDOART.DK

New Tactics – moving into a soft field’ published by Galleri Image edited by Kirstine Autzen and Beate Cegielska interviews with Geoffrey Batchen, Valerie Collart, Nanna Lysholt Hansen, Sandra Vaka Olsen, Kristoffer Ørum.

“Det postfotografiske billede – når fotografi og krop flyder sammen”, By Kirstine Autzen and Nanna Freja Simonsen, interview, 6 September 2018


Response, I:Project Space, Beijing, conversation with/text by Louise Steiwer, 20.6.2018 Kopenhagen Magasin

’Kalder alle fremtidens døtre’ review of live performance Dear Daughter/Anatomy of the Chthulucene, Ida Marie Hede, 25.05.2018, Dagbladet Information

‘Udstilling genfortryller forestillingen om en verden uden diskrimination’  review by Ida Marie Hede, 13.3 2018, Dagbladet Information

The Antipodes of My Body

Rob Churm, Nanna Lysholt Hansen, Maria Meinild
Vermilion Sands, Copenhagen
10.12.2017 - 27.01.2018
‘TO BE ONE IS ALWAYS TO BECOME WITH MANY’, conversation with/text by Callum Ross, January 2017 , I DO ART

‘Nanna Lysholt Hansen – Dear Daughter:Anatomy of the Chthulucene’ review by Mette Garfield, Teater1 Magazine, December 2016

‘Lydkunst #10: Cyborg – Nanna Lysholt Hansen på Kulstof 15, article and podcast on sound art by Line Møller Lauritsen & Anne Neimann Clement, 11.11.2015

Tracing Double Other
Nanna Lysholt Hansen
Galleri Vasli Souza, Malmo
12.08.2017 - 09.09.2017

‘Jeg tænker min krop som en skulptur’, Birgitte Kjær, Politiken, 23.08.2016

‘Nanna Lysholt Hansen-Dear Mary, review by Kathrine Børlit in Kopenhagen Magasin, 16.10.2015

 ‘Ugens Kunstner – Nanna Lysholt Hansen’, Kit Vatit Jensen,  15 April 2015

‘Med kærlig indlevelse’,  review by Rune Gade, 28.11.2014, Dagbladet Information

‘En fotografisk og performativ undersøgelse af Mary Willumsen’, Stine Nørgaard Lykkebo,, december 2014 

‘Dear Mary (Steel) – Nanna Lysholt Hansen’, review by Mette Garfield, Teater1 Magazine, # 170, April 2015

‘Nanna Lysholt Hansen - Dear Daughter / Motherboard Theories of Evolution Interview with Rie Hovmann Rasmussen, curator of ’Contingency of the Now’ June 2014 
‘Nanna Lysholt Hansen – Dear Daughter / Motherboard Theories of Evolution Interview with Rie Hovmann Rasmussen, curator of ’Contingency of the Now’ June 2014 Contingency of the Now

Interview about the Artist-Run platform NLHspace, 11.09.2014 , Τemporary Art Review

‘Performance Process – Nanna Lysholt Hansen’, November 2014, Teater1 Magazine # 168

‘Performance Process – Nanna Lysholt Hansen’, November 2014, Teater1 Magazine # 168

Nanna Lysholt Hansen – Miss no 1,2,3 #2’, review by Mette Garfield in Teater1 Magazine, # 166, April 2014

‘En kvinde i strømpebukser kan også være en skulptur’, Katrine Jo Andersen, Politiken I Byen 31.05.2013

‘Afgang med orgeldrøn og sponsoreret rockwool’ , Kristian Handberg,, 14.06.2011